by admin


Have  you ever look around and wondered that why is it, that even after such a vast cultivation system many people around us are hungry, are not able to fill their belly and around 14% of population worldwide is undernourished?  Well one of the main reason of such a vast number of undernourished population is wastage! Wastage not just in terms of the croups that got rotten because of non favourable weather or non-availability of proper cultivation conditions and pesticides but also the wastage to crops that got perished in warehouses, the food items that diminished during transportation and also the food that we waste daily in our houses. Do you know that around 40% of food is wasted in Indian households every year; a report of FAO suggested that this 40% cost $14 billion worth wastage to India every year.


Worldwide approximately 1\3 of the food produced gets spoiled even before consumed every year, and a large section of which comes from households although there are many reasons for the same, such as excess buying, poor storing conditions etc. But it also means that if we just start keeping a close eye on our houses we can save our country from the loss of $14 billion every year and help the undernourished population in satisfying one of the basic needs of life.

On one side India is ranked 103rd on Global Hunger Index and on the other side we waste around 50kg food per person per year. We can overcome this problem by start taking few steps from today, like keeping track of our buying power, knowing how to channelize our excess to save it from wasting. Also we need to know that wastage not only affect us financially but it also lead to climate changes, biodiversity loss, pollution; as every bit of wastage is an extraction from renewable and non-renewable resources and these directly or indirectly effecting our ecosystem which may lead to various problems in the upcoming times.

In the last year when the whole world was suffering from the situation of pandemic, the situation of hunger took the high road and dropped us in a position where everyone was bound to struggle for it, but even in such a situation wastage was huge as the crops got perished, the transportation wasn’t proper, no sufficient storage facilities. So it will be for our own good only that we understand this as early as possible that food is the most basic need of every human being and we need to be conscious while consuming it.  

Our organization the Sawaab Samaj Foundation is working towards making this world a better place to live by taking small steps in building the blocks which will lead to a great foundation later, but we are nothing without your help, so do support us by donating your precious time, belongings or money. One can donate for any cause such as food, education, clothes, just click on this link and make a small contribution towards joining